由國際知名Hightone Publishing Limited出版 Good Idea 4於全球發行,作者Longsea集結全球知名的設計師及團隊作品,收錄品牌、CI、名片、邀請卡、賀卡設計等精湛的作品,麥傑團隊陳進東總監受邀撰寫序文以"這世界不缺好設計,而是真實的善設計,探討全球設計趨勢及設計師對"人"與"社會"的觀察,如何藉由設計對社會及環境產生"善"能量與品牌價值!
什麼是值得信賴的品牌?什麼品牌能撼動人心? 什麼樣的包裝傳遞真實生活及環境永續的理念?
全球一股新的社會企業運動正在悄悄的影響你我的生活。成立於美國非營利事業組織-B型實驗室(B Lab)以第三方客觀單位的企業認證,推動「重新定義企業成功」B型企業(B Corp)即是通過B型實驗室一系列嚴格的標準檢驗之企業,檢驗的項目包含企業的社會與環境表現、當責度(accountability)和透明度(transparency)。通過這樣全面性的評估,B型企業可說是兼顧獲利、公平、公益的新型態企業。全球各地企業紛紛投入關懷社會善盡社會責任的企業之最高標準。社會企業責任與公益,不只是捐款做好事,B型企業能夠在商業活動過程中,實踐更多對環境社會的使命。
This world does not lack good designs. What we lack is true -- designs of beneficence.
What is a trustworthy brand? What kind of brand touches people’s hearts? What kind of packaging conveys true living and sustainability?
A new social-corporate movement is rising in the world and spreading into our lives. A NGO founded in the US, the B Lab, advocates the concept of redefining business success through certification by an impartial third-party organisation. A “B-Corp” is a corporation certified by the B Lab through a series of stringent standards. These standards include performance in social and environmental issues, accountability and transparency. Therefore, we can say that, by passing such comprehensive evaluation, a B-Corp, is a new type of business, which has achieved balanced practice in profitability, fairness and public welfare. Enterprises throughout the world have begun to take actions to achieve the highest standards of community care and corporate social responsibility. They no longer restrict their social responsibility and public welfare programs to monetary donation. A “B-Corp” achieves its missions for environmental and social enhancements in process of commercial activities.

In this information overloading era, what kind of brand attracts eyeballs? How does a brand gain recognition from the consumers through caring for the people, the environment and the society? Every purchase decision is driven by a ''want '', an "ambition", a "belief" or a "worry”. We all wish to have our "needs" fulfilled, but our "wants" are the actual player that drives us to make the decision or choice we make. A designer should have the sensitivity to the vibes of the society and an insight into the minds of consumers. Only exploring the innermost desires of consumers will enable us to find the link between people and convert this link into powerful language of visual design. I believe "design" is changing the world, for it makes our lives and the society better and contributes the sustainability of the world.
GOOD IDEA 4以在全球網路及實體通路販售,台灣誠品,博客來等書局均有販售.
Magic Creative blog
Published on 2016/2/13
瀏覽: 16093人次